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24 Hours of Architecture

18 September 2012, France The UIA Council celebrates 24 hours of architecture in France Architects all over the world

The UIA Council members will meet in Strasbourg, France, on 18 & 19 October 2012. The presidents of UIA member sections in region I (Western Europe) and region I Council members will hold a regional meeting in Strasbourg on 17 October, in which the region II (Eastern Europe) Council members are also invited to participate.

These two meetings will take place in conjunction with a premier cultural and professional event in France entitled "24 Hours of Architecture". On 19 & 20 October, the Strasbourg city centre will host workshops and educational activities, walking tours, a symposium, a series of exhibitions, a film festival, and big party open to professionals and the general public alike. The French Maisons darchitecture network developed the rich and diverse programme that will be offered Strasbourg.

vingt-quatre heures darchitecture

24 hours of architecture in Strasbour

Utolsó módosítás: 2012.10.05 02:56

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