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UIA - communiqué - 12 AUGUST 2014

ESA MOHAMED : UIA PRESIDENT Malaysian architect and town-planner Esa Mohamed has been elected UIA President during the UIA General Assembly,

which took place in Durban, South Africa from 7 to 9 August 2014. Esa Mohamed will undertake the presidency of the International Union of Architects for the triennial period 2014-2017. He succeeds French architect Albert Dubler.

He is the founder and director of Akitek Jururancang (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (AJM), an architectural and planning firm in Kuala Lumpur. He is the author of prestigious architectural projects in Malaysia, such as the Subang Jaya township, the masterplans forthe city of Kuala Lumpur and for the administrative capital of Putrajaya. He has also
launched large-scale works in China, Pakistan, India, Australia and Saudi Arabia. Esa Mohamed received numerous awards among them The Aga Khan Award for Architeture in 2001 for the Datai Resort, Langkawi.
Between 2008 and 2011, Esa Mohamed has been a UIA Council member, and then Vice-President of the Union from 2011 to 2014. He is a member of the UIA Commission for Professional Practice. He was president of the Malaysian Institute of Architects (PAM) between 1993-1995 and of the Architects Regional Council Asia (ARCASIA) from 1995 to1996.

The UIA president manifesto on his web site:

The UIA General Assembly also elected the new Bureau members:
Secretary General: Thomas VONIER, USA

Treasurer: Fabian LLISTERRI, Spain
• Vice-president Region I: David FALLA, United Kingdom
• Vice-president Region II: Ms Deniz INCEDAYI, Turkey
• Vice-president Region III: Carlos ALVAREZ, Costa Rica
• Vice-president Region IV: Ms Yolanda DAVID REYES, Philippines
• Vice-présidente RegionV: HAYDER Ali, Sudan

The UIA General Assembly has elected Rio de Janeiro, Brazil as the host city of the 27th UIA Congress in 2020. The next congress will take place in 2017, in Seoul, Korea on the theme ‘The Soul of Seoul : intengible spiritual dimension’.

More info:

UIA COUNCIL: 2014-2017

• President: Esa MOHAMED, Malaysia
• Immediate past-president: Albert DUBLER, France
• Secretary general: Thomas VONIER, USA
• Treasurer: Fabian LLISTERRI, Spain
• Vice-president Region I: David FALLA, United Kingdom
• Vice-president Region II: Ms Deniz INCEDAYI, Turkey
• Vice-president Region III: Carlos ALVAREZ, Costa Rica
• Vice-president Region IV: Ms Yolanda DAVID REYES, Philippines
• Vice-présidente RegionV: HAYDER Ali, Sudan

Council Members Region I, Western Europe
France: Frédéric RAGOT, member – Philippe KLEIN  alternate
Switzerland: Ms Regina GONTHIER, member - Lorenz BRÄKER alternate
The two other Council Members and their alternates will be elected during the next Council Meeting.

Council Members Region II, Eastern Europe and the Middle East
Greece: Nikos FINTIKAKIS, member - Ms Fani VAVILI-TSINIKA, alternate
Poland: Jerzy GROCHULSKI , member - Pawel KOBYLANSKI, alternate
Roumania: Serban DRAGOS TIGANA, member - Vlad Alexandre GAIVORONSCHI, alternate
Russia: Andrei BOKOV, member – Yaroslav USOV, alternate

Council Members Region III, The Americas
Brazil: Roberto SIMON, member - Nadia SOMEKH, alternate
The three other Council Members and their alternates will be elected during the next Council

Council Members Region IV, Asia and Oceania
Australia Peter MOULD, member - Paul BERKEMEIER, alternate
China: ZHUANG Weimin, member - ZHANG Baiping, alternate
India : Prakash DESHMUKH, member - Divya KUSH, alternate
Republic of Korea: Kun Chang YI, member - Young Keun HAN, alternate

Council Members Region V, Africa
Egypt: Tawfik EL RASHIDY member - Mohamed H. SEOUDY KAMEL, alternate
Morocco: Mohamed CHAOUI member - Chakib BENABDELLAH, alternate
Kenya: Gideon M. MULYUNGI member - Waweru GATHECHA, alternate
Tanzania: Mohammed MUNYANYA member - Mbaraka IGANGULA, alternate

Utolsó módosítás: 2014.08.15 14:42

Kapcsolódó dokumentumok:

UIA - communiqué - 12 AUGUST 2014
UIA COUNCIL: 2014-2017

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