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UIA Tbiliszi üllésének napirendje - UIA Bureau meeting Tbilisi

UIA Bureau meeting Tbilisi (Georgia): 29th and 30th September 2012 PROVISIONAL AGENDA

SATURDAY 29TH SEPTEMBER 2012 – 10:00 / 13:00

0. Opening remarks
0.1 Welcome
0.2 Adoption of the agenda
0.3 Verification of attendance sheet
1. Activities by UIA President, Albert Dubler
2. Activities by UIA Secretary General, Michel Barmaki
2.1 Work programmes
2.2 Communication
2.3 Partnership with “.archi”
3. Finance report by UIA Treasurer, Patricia Emmett
4. Relations between UIA and regional organisations: presentation, points in common,
duplication, proposals…
ACE by Antonio Riverso,
MASA, FABSR and VISEGRAD 4 by Deniz Incedayi,
FPAA by Thomas Vonier,
ARCASIA by Esa Mohamed,
AUA by Hayder Ali, draft MOU by Michel Barmaki

SUNDAY 30TH SEPTEMBER 2012 – 09:30 / 13:00

5. UIA Durban 2014 congress
2nd coordinating council meeting report
6. World Urban Forum, World Urban Campaign and Habitat Professionals Forum
by Louise Cox
6.1 Programme
6.2 UIA participation
7. Member Sections
8. UIA general policy and action plan by the Vice-Presidents
8.1 Proposals by the Vice Presidents regarding their portfolio and the proposals of the Vision and
strategy committee
8.2 roadmap and action plan to be presented to the next Council
9. Calendar
9.1 Calendar of UIA Bureau and Council meetings
9.2 Other meetings
10. Miscellaneous
10.1 Reminder: “Architectural profession around the world” update
10.2 Reminder: “the List of schools of architecture around the world” update

Utolsó módosítás: 2012.09.20 06:37

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