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Efemer építészet konferencia

Az MTA Bölcsészettudományi KMI és a CentrArt Egyesület nemzetközi konferenciát szervez Budapesten 2013.11.28-29-én az efemer építészet témakörében.

A nemzetközi kutatásban is egyre nagyobb figyelem irányul az ideiglenes építészet, politika, reprezentáció és emlékezet kérdésére, a két napos, angol nyelvű budapesti tanácskozás a téma tizennégy ország harminc kutatójának részvételével zajlik. A konferencia nyitott, előzetes regisztráció nem szükséges.

Ephemeral Architecture in Central-Eastern Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries

Budapest, 28-29th November 2013

The Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of Art History, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with CentrArt Association - New Workshop for Art Historians, is organizing an international symposium entitled Ephemeral Architecture in Central-Eastern Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. This will be held in Budapest, 28-29th November, 2013. It will focus on Central-Eastern Europe as a fluid geo-political conception and politically unstable territory with constantly shifting borders within the given timespan. Recognizing the growing interest in the latest research on ephemeral architecture, this conference will focus on temporary constructions erected for national and international exhibitions as a means of conveying ideas to an immediate audience. In this perspective the pavilion is be considered as a hub of architectural and artistic trends, political visions and cultural and social issues. Its complex political, cultural, social, economic and urban context will be analyzed: the exterior and interior design of an exhibition pavilion, along with its location within the exhibition park and neighboring edifices, its function as projecting regional, national or corporate representation.
After a long and sparsely documented history from ancient times to the 18th century ephemeral buildings appear in the course of 19th century architecture with new characteristics. Over the course of the 19th and 20th centuries ephemeral buildings have often offered the latest architectural solution for contemporary ideas, ideologies and trends. They were usually intended by architects to function as an autonomous experimental genre, providing new possibilities in terms of concept, planning, setting and display. They were also powerful means for nation building, mass entertainment as a new phenomenon, as well as they provided a “magic frame” for the latest achievements of the civilization in the 19th century. Later they were often appropriated and utilized by dictatorial regimes for their own needs; for demonstrations of power or, for performing the role of flagships of modernism. The research on ephemeral architecture calls into question the relationship between national/corporate buildings and their international critical reflections too. Papers also address issues like the relationship between built-up environment of these temporary constructions and their perception, the reflection of their target audience.

The first conference in the series, entitled Progressive Tendencies in Ephemeral Architecture – Hungarian Case Studies was held in Budapest, on 29th January 2011, with a special focus on the Hungarian pavilion architecture of the 19th and 20th centuries. It raised questions concerning the link between architectural trends and national politics. The advanced aspect of a pavilion was analyzed as a primary architectural value in connection with national, regional and corporate policies.

The second conference aims to get together art historians, architectural historians and scholars from various academic disciplines (history, political history, history of design, anthropology, ethnography, cultural and visual studies) applying inter-disciplinary approach to the topic.

A two days conference organized by The Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of Art History, Hungarian Academy of Sciences in cooperation with 

CentrArt Association - New Workshop for Art Historians

Jugoszláv pavilon az 1929-es barcelonai világkiállításon (Dragiša Brašovan) a teljes galéria megtekintéséhez kattintson a képre

Conference hall of Budapest City Archives
(H-1139 Budapest, Teve str. 3-5.)

1st Day – Thursday, 28th November 2013

8:00-9:00 Registration

9:00 Welcome speaches
Miklós Székely (Organizer of the conference),
István Kenyeres (Director General of the Budapest City Archives),
József Sisa (Director of the Institute of Art History, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

9:30-10.00 Keynote Speech: Anna Korndorf, Ekaterina Viazova (Department of Russian Art and Architecture, State Institute of Art History, Moscow)
Utopia of Transparency: 19th-Century Exhibition Pavilion Architecture as Mythological Project

10.00-11.00. Section 1. Architecture, origins, materials. Chair: József Sisa

Dr. Gianenrico Bernasconi (Institut für Populäre Kulturen, Universität Zürich)

The tent room

Magdalena Żakowska (Central and Eastern Europe Department, Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Łódź)
Austrian and Russian National Pavilions as Mediums of National Self-Representations at the Vienna World Exposition 1873

11.00-11.30 Coffee Break

11.30-12.50. Section 2. The Hungarian Millennium at the Crossroad of Nation Buildings Chair: Pál Lővei (Institute of Art History, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

Paolo Cornaglia PhD (Turin Polytechnic, Department of Architecture and Design)
Franczia étterem: the French restaurant by Karman & Ullmann in the National Hungarian Exhibition of 1896

Dragan Damjanović PhD, doc. (Art History Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb University)
Croatian Pavilions at the 1896 Millennium Exhibition in Budapest

Miklós Székely PhD (Institute of Art History, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Representation reduced and exported: The re-setting of the Main Historical group of the Millennium Exhibition at the 1900 Paris Universal Exhibition

12.50-13.50 Lunch break

13:50-15.30. Section 3. „Western Venues, Eastern Nations.” Chair: Miklós Székely

Cosmin Tudor Minea MA (Central European University, Budapest)
Creating a National Architecture : the Pavilions of the Balkan Countries at Two 19th Century Universal Exhibitions

Dr. Aleksandar Ignjatović (University of Belgrade)
Competing Byzantinisms: Architectural Imagination of the Balkan Nations at the Paris World Exhibition in 1900

Ágnes Sebestyén (University of Bern, Institute of Art History)
The Pavilion of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Universal Exposition of 1900 in Paris: a Case Study

Cristiana Volpi PhD (University of Trento, Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering)
The Hungarian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale. Tradition and modernity during one century

15.30-16.00 Coffee break

16.00-17.20. Section 4. „Eastern Venues, Eastern Nations.” Chair: Dr. Aleksandar Ignjatović

Deniz Türker PhD candidate (Harvard University, Center for Middle Eastern Studies and the History of Art and Architecture Department & Dumbarton Oaks Tyler Fellow)
The ‘Ottoman’ Pavilions at the Turn-of-the-Century

Silvija Grosa, Dr. art (Art Academy of Latvia)
Between National Romanticism, Modernist Tendencies and Traditionalism – Two Exhibitions in Riga at the Turn of the 20th Century

Weronika Grzesiak, MA (Art History Institute, Jagiellonian University in Cracow)
National Representations on the General Provincial Exhibition (Lviv 1894)

2nd Day – Friday 29th November 2013

9:00-9.30 Keynote Speech: Ágnes Anna Sebestyén (Archaeolingua Foundation, Budapest) 
Shaping Ephemeral Architecture by the Media

9.30-9.50. Tamás Csáki (Budapest City Archives)
Ephemeral architecture of the Metropolis:  plans for urban pavilions by Bertalan Árkay from the 1920s

9.50-10.20 Coffee break

10.20-11.40. Section 6. Rise, Fall and Shift of Ideologies Chair: Ágnes Anna Sebestyén

Marta Filipová, PhD (University of Wolverhampton)
From the national village house to the international expo pavilion: ephemeral ideologies?

Mgr. Petra Nováková (Palacký University of Olomouc, Czech Republic, Department of the History of Art)
State propaganda at the background of the Czechoslovak temporary exhibition installations at La Triennale di Milano, 1923-1968

Aleksandra Stamenković MA (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Department for Art History)
Ephemeral Structure of National Pavilions on World Fairs 1918-1941

11.40-12.40 Lunch break

12:40-14.00. Section 7. Bridges over the Iron Curtain I. Chair: Pál Ritoók (Hungarian Museum of Architecture)

Nikolas Drosos (Graduate Center, City University of New York, 2013-15 Chester Dale Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art, Washington)
Modernism with a Human Face: Communist Europe at the 1958 World Fair

Péter Haba (Lecturer at Department of Design and Art History, Institute of Theoretical Studies, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest)
The rise of aluminium, Pavilions by ALUTERV in the Budapest City Park trade fair centre

Mirna Meštrović, DipArch MS, Aleksander Laslo DipArch (Development Department of Zagreb City Administration)
Fairground as Geopolitical Playground: Zagreb International Trade Fair and Cold War Circumstances

14.00-14.30 Coffee break - Meanwhile: Optional guided visit in the storage of Budapest City Archive exclusively for conference speakers by Tamás Csáki.
14.30-15.50. Section 8. Bridges over the Iron Curtain II Chair. Marta Filipová

Katarzyna Cytlak, PhD (Universidad Nacional de San Martin, Centro de Estudios sobre los Mundos Eslavos y Chinos, Buenos Aires)
The American Pavilion for the International Fair Trade in Poznan, 1957: Richard Buckminster Fuller's Legacy in Central Europe

Doc. ing. arch. Radomíra Sedláková, CSc. (National Gallery in Prague, curator of the collection of Architecture, Prague technical University, Faculty of Civil Ingeneering, department of Architecture)
Two czecoslovaks pavilons / two different ideological fates

Lara Slivnik PhD (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana)
Architecture, Competition, Pavilon: Yugoslav Pavilion at Montreal Expo 67

15.50-16.20 Coffee break

16:20-18:00. Section 9. Contemporary Reception of Ephemerity. Chair: Hajnalka Somogyi (freelance curator)

Helena Postawka-Lech, M.A. (International Cultural Centre in Krakow, Institute of Art History, Jagiellonian University (Krakow)
Papier-mâché hammer and sickle. Decorations and temporary architecture of official gatherings, parades and festivals in Krakow between 1968 and 1989

Dr. Ayse Nur Erek (Yeditepe University, Humboldt University)
The Afterlife of Ephemeral Architecture: The Pavilion in the Context of a Contemporary Art Exhibition

Dr. Bahar Beslioglu (Faculty of Architecture at M.S.G.S.U, Istanbul)
The Pavilion in the Context of a Contemporary Art Exhibition

Dr. Roula Matar-Perret PhD (Université Rennes 2 / ENSA Paris La Villette)
David Maljkovic’s attempt to reanimate Sambito’s pavilion in Zagreb

18:00 Closing remarques

Utolsó módosítás: 2013.11.06 18:35

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