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2011 Leonardo Award

A Belorusz Építész Szövetség idén rendezi meg a IV. Fiatal Építészek Nemzetközi Biennáléját

, amely a fiatal - 40 év alatti építészek munkáinak bemutatását, megünneplését tűzi ki célul.
A Leonardo -díjat a kiválasztott legjobb munkák szerzői kapják, több kategóriában.

Összefoglaló angol nyelven:

Clause about the IVth International Biennale of young architects “Leonardo 2011 Award”

1. General Data

The organizer of IVth Minsk international competition of young architects “Leonardo 2011” (further The Biennale) is Belarusian Union of Architects (BUA). Biennale is held under the auspices and with the support of Ministry of Architecture and Construction of Republic of Belarus, Ministry of culture of Republic of Belarus, Minsk Executive Committee, Intergovernmental Foundation for Educational, Scientific and Cultural Cooperation of the CIS (IFESCCO), International Union of Architects (UIA), International Association of Unions of Architects (IAUA). The Biennale is organized within the framework of the IXth National festival of architecture “Minsk 2011”aiming to make young architects’ works of the last three years known to the wide society and foreign colleagues; to appoint best works and authors; to popularize their creative achievements; to reveal future outlooks and trends of architecture. The best entries exposed at the Biennale will be awarded with the IVth International Biennale of young architects “Leonardo 2011” Awards. Architectural works created at a high professional level, bearing the social value, with high esthetic & artistic, engineering and economic features and not having been exposed at the previous “Leonardo” Biennales may be recognized as the best ones. The Competition is called upon to develop and widen traditions laid in the previous Competitions: “Leonardo 2003”, “Leonardo 2005”, “Leonardo 2007” and “Leonardo 2009”. Architects of the age under 40 have the right to participate in the Competition. Presented projects are to be made within the last three years in the process of the professional activity (not student ones). The participation in the Biennale is free of charge. The amount of works by one author is unlimited. Biennale works will be exposed in the National Art Gallery (3 Kozlov St.) in Minsk from 3rd to 5th of November 2011.
További részletek:

Utolsó módosítás: 2011.11.17 06:17

Kapcsolódó dokumentumok:

Leonardo-2011 Regulations and Registration

Rövid link küldése e-mailben. Linkek a tartalomhoz.

Rövid link:

Beszédes link:

Rövid link küldése e-mailben. Rövid link küldése e-mailben.


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